Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blogging !! :D

I never thought before, dat I wud write a blog. In fact I somehow feel funny abt all this blogging stuff. Neways nw I feel the necessity to write a Blog to make myself feel better :D. Before we get started let me tell you something important :P, I'm not a Shakespeare but just a normal human being. so kindly please adjust to my English which is not so good or not so bad :P

Since my graduation there happened a lot of changes in my life, twists n turns everywhere :P, Which now I'm unable to categorize all those comic events :P. Nyways it’s not so important to get into those details :P. So why I’m writing this blog? A genuine question! :P let me get to that first :P. From the past two months I donno why but people started acting weird, hw weird is that they started fighting with me :o. Usually I wouldn’t mind coz I never cared!! But it is happening with everyone. So I thought there’s more to think about it :D n more to put myself out. So, here I’m :D

I’m a kind of person who is straight forward. I speak straight on to the face rather than saying at back, which makes many uncomfortable. Sometimes I sound so rude, which I happened to know from others :D, but never mind I can’t change that, it’s a manufacturing defect :P . When it comes to Attitude... I'm Robust n Yes I’m headstrong on what I believe n it seldom varies, but it all depends on the opp person. I can go along further by just explaining about myself bt it’s not the case :P you may get the feeling that I’m obsessed wid myself (which I’m !!) :P

Getting into the point Why?? Why in the hell everyone acting weird?? :o God knows!! Sometimes I get a feeling that, gather everyone to a closure and play the SADDA HAQ song :P. There’s only one theme for me... Mind your own Business!! n Everything else follows if it deserves you J. I hate to write this weird stuff but am pissed off guys!! It’s a high time now n I can’t take it on further!! So, the bottom line is if you have no interest on anyone den there’s no point of ur interest in him or in his deeds!! Just let it go… It’s nothing wrong to hate someone. Hate as if you never met him or never cared for him or he never existed. It’s good for everyone :P


raghav said...

Bro i wanna modify something.....there's nothing wrong in ignoring someone rather than hating someone......hate is just a negation of love.. if u hate a person it means u still think about the person... the best way to erase a person from ur memory is to ignore him

Tarak said...

yea the ultimate meaning is to ignore .. bt dint coinded dat ;) its good dat you put forward that point ;)

Srinivas Chepuri said...

gud to see you here Tarak .. looking for many more posts from u .. Happy Blogging.