Friday, July 27, 2012

Would you be??

The Phone is ringing, I can barely hear. There are lights flashing on the screen with some text snapping the caller’s name, but it barely registered in my Mind. By the time I realized that there is a sound, the phone stopped ringing. Sensing the absolute darkness and an awkward silence, I looked out for the time and it has passed 2 in the morning. There is a book I was reading, unfolded. There is a Cup filled with coffee, untouched. There is an IPod on the table, still playing a track, which kept the darkness in rhythm. For every Breathe I take, I can hear my heart beat racing, perhaps? For a fear of stopping. I tried to step myself off from the couch, but the foot barely moved. With the cluttering weirdness, I tried to move my hands to check on the foot, but the hands hardly moved. Understanding the complete Chaos, I tried to recollect what has happened? And yes, there was you! Now it unfolds everything...

I'm afraid of understanding, or for being understood. But, with the sprint of a magic I understood you, perhaps? I thought it so. I can tell you, may be, by just stealing a glance into your eyes, how comfortable you are? I can tell you, what and how you are feeling, with a warm touch. I can tell you, what was going on in your mind, by just looking at your handwriting. I embraced you when you had had a tough time. I had let you go wild, when you are happy. For every time you are with me, there would be a song, playing in the backdrop, there by everything comes back to life, or maybe I feel it so. There are No greetings and no formalities. That was never needed and vl never be needed. Every word will have a meaning. That is the thing we have always admired about each other.

If I say, Am not very expressive, then actually I'm not. When I say I have forgotten, then actually I'm. There are many things which I speak out, and which I really mean. You said you would understand me, and I know you would. I was canny of being forgiven. I'm not afraid of crying but, What if I used my entire tears of despair? and some day I wouldn’t tear down a drop?, what if I struck with a greater calamity? I don’t suppose there would be any adversity than which has struck now. But, what if I've called a heartless? What if I've considered being an aloof? There were no answers but the truth. There is a very thin line in hiding a truth and speaking a truth. If you hide, you die slowly. If you speak out the truth, then you die instantly.

Like Hate, Love also needs perpetual Nourishment. So, let’s go for a walk or for a vacation. Let us find something new within us. We don’t need to hide anything; we don’t need to pretend anything. We are as naked as one can be. There is no need to talk much but, some patience to listen to the all the signs, which we code between us, through eyes, touch and with the unspoken words. Let’s bring back that energy and let’s admire what we've got. In contrary you could start hating me. When you hate, you don’t need of any signs to tell you, but your own anger.

There is only one line I believed most. " In love People grow, and in Hate, people decay "

Lets have a stroll in peace, and if you like it, may be a vacation. so the question is would you be?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

At least for Once I have Lived my Life

Of Lately these days I’ve Started to feel what everything was about? In that process I’ve extended my sleeping hours to even 10. :D Now days in reality, it seems like everything is fallacious and bizarre.  I know a Place where I find everything is real and where I know what I need, that is a Dream. A Dream, where it looks impossible at first thought but upon processing you would understand that it requires every instance of your energy, to fuel enough to reach the pinnacle of where it has to reach!! 

A Dream starts in the line of abstract theories where everything is hypothetical.  But, if I can manage my dream to be scented on every breath I take and a thought of that Dream fulfilling someday… yes here it is the Dream of heaven which is so close to my heart but far away from my mind and body !! A Dream, which is so close to me, where the very thought of it happening one day... would fill in my every cell of my Body with Pleasure at its peak, and it would pump up to my entire Body to spray the light on the shallowness of this world. That is the moment when time would stop counting. That is the moment where everything turns blue. That is the moment where I can hear nothing but a Heartbeat filled with pride. 

To make my Dream come true I’ve to nurture it with a HOPE!!

A Hope where it feels hopeless to everyone else…  A Hope which is Hypothetical enough to handle the absurdness of the Dream. A Hope which tells I got nothing else but to make it Happen. A Hope which initiates a profound faith within me.  A hope, which creates my own atmosphere without penetrating a little breath of doubt into my world.

Then a Friend, 

Who, when everyone else would be laughing at my dream and for the Hope I display. A small gesture where there were no words spoken and no questions were asked. An unspoken bond with a constant presence chuckling at my will to conquer my Dream. That little moment is what it makes me to feel Human and that little moment is what it makes me to feel that I have lived my life at least for once…

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It’s a May Day!!

Many a times I wonder, what is this May Day? And why is it celebrated? How did it actually get started?  But, never given much thought about it as it is a Public Holiday where we can stay at house or roam around with our friends ;) but now as I’m working, I’ve a quest to find it out what exactly it is? And why is it celebrated? :P

Getting started, this May Day concept is coined by the US people on May 1st 1886, where labour unions went on for a strike demanding, every worker should not be allowed to work more than 8hrs a day!! This strike even followed by a bomb blast in Chicago consuming several lives and causalities (Phew!!). As usual this strike didn’t lead to immediate conclusions but helped to establish an eight hour works norm in India and several other countries which I reckon a good thing for us :P

In India, Labour Day was first celebrated in Chennai on May 1st, 1923. It was initiated by a Labour Kisan party of Hindustan at that time. On This day the leader passed a resolution that the Govt should announce a National holiday on this Labour day (a True Indian :P). But I wonder, now is it that simple to pass a resolution to Govt? Considering all the much advanced politics! :P. Anyways, there is one thing which we never knew… This is the day when Gujarath and Maharastra attained the statehood in 1960!! :P

When it comes to the Celebrations, there are many positive events laid by the unions. For now we will discuss one of themJ. It is said/known that the Labour Union will organize events for children to let them understand the bond of togetherness, which helps them to know the strength of unity… Wow!! I hardly believe that it is been followed until now :P.

So finally The May Day is celebrated to showcase the true spirit of the Working Class and this is the day we bring positive reforms (in all respects) for the working class of the society :D

Out of Habit with every Year, lets recall our famous artist R Narayana Murthi on the eve of May Day :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

What is my ultimate Aim in Life??

There are many reasons for me to stay awake at nights. May be, it is the only time my brain works better and helps me to sort out things that happened earlier in the day.  The calmness and peace at nights make the thought process to go even deeper. So I prefer it is the Ideal time for me to understand myself ;). The usual thought process goes in many directions but every thread falls at only one single point. What is my passion?? What is my ultimate aim in life?

Everyone knows what their passion is... But sadly not everyone recognises it!! Even if some people recognises it!! They turn cold feet to go for it... Many a times we go against the clock!! And with that rush to meet up with the crowd we eventually fall into the same boat as everybody does :P.  We are just finding our feet in a world of abyss. But seriously are we missing something here?

Getting into the point why we turn cold feet to go with our passion when we have everything to make it happen?  Is that because we are ambiguous?  Or is that because we are content? If we are content then why are we not Happy? If we are ambiguous then where is the endurance? No, we are ambitious!! Then what is my passion??

Having said all this, I have an appointment with a group of people who adopted a slum and who makes sure that every kid in that slum gets the proper education. So, I’ve been asked to volunteer for an event which they are organizing, and the theme is that the kids should be motivated to study. Of course I’m the one who approached the group and asked if I can contribute anything from my side? But, now I don’t understand how can I motivate them if I myself cannot?

I don’t want to stop anything that is happening now, n yes! Who knows!! May be I’ll get an answer for myself there ;)  Different exposures are what making me feel myself again!! :D

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blogging !! :D

I never thought before, dat I wud write a blog. In fact I somehow feel funny abt all this blogging stuff. Neways nw I feel the necessity to write a Blog to make myself feel better :D. Before we get started let me tell you something important :P, I'm not a Shakespeare but just a normal human being. so kindly please adjust to my English which is not so good or not so bad :P

Since my graduation there happened a lot of changes in my life, twists n turns everywhere :P, Which now I'm unable to categorize all those comic events :P. Nyways it’s not so important to get into those details :P. So why I’m writing this blog? A genuine question! :P let me get to that first :P. From the past two months I donno why but people started acting weird, hw weird is that they started fighting with me :o. Usually I wouldn’t mind coz I never cared!! But it is happening with everyone. So I thought there’s more to think about it :D n more to put myself out. So, here I’m :D

I’m a kind of person who is straight forward. I speak straight on to the face rather than saying at back, which makes many uncomfortable. Sometimes I sound so rude, which I happened to know from others :D, but never mind I can’t change that, it’s a manufacturing defect :P . When it comes to Attitude... I'm Robust n Yes I’m headstrong on what I believe n it seldom varies, but it all depends on the opp person. I can go along further by just explaining about myself bt it’s not the case :P you may get the feeling that I’m obsessed wid myself (which I’m !!) :P

Getting into the point Why?? Why in the hell everyone acting weird?? :o God knows!! Sometimes I get a feeling that, gather everyone to a closure and play the SADDA HAQ song :P. There’s only one theme for me... Mind your own Business!! n Everything else follows if it deserves you J. I hate to write this weird stuff but am pissed off guys!! It’s a high time now n I can’t take it on further!! So, the bottom line is if you have no interest on anyone den there’s no point of ur interest in him or in his deeds!! Just let it go… It’s nothing wrong to hate someone. Hate as if you never met him or never cared for him or he never existed. It’s good for everyone :P